Modni stilist odjeće na engleskom

12 mjeseci
Male grupe
Upis u e-radnu knjižicu

One year Fashion design program is a wide art and design program wich includes comprehensive study in figure and fashion drawing, history of fashion, textiles and pattern making. Mission of the Fashion program is to help the students to gain experience they need  in Fashion field, from learning the basics of every area to the ability to create a real collection on a real runaway.
Classes are all run by teachers  from the industry.

Upon enrolment students recive a welcome kit tools and materials they  need to pursue their education in fashion.

This one year Fashion program provides the key tehnical and theoretical concepts related to fashion design and fashion industry, looking at womenswear, menswear and accessories.

Upon sucessful completion of the Fashion design program students will be able to develop an independent design style.

Modni stilist odjeće na engleskom


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